ACT: Ato Mulu T. Baryatsion

ATO MULU TEKLAY BARYATSION is employed at Agency for Tourism and Culture in the National State of Tigrai (ACT) and one of the closest co-workers to its General Manager Ato Kebede Amare, responsible of the Cultural Heritage of Tigrai. ATC is a subdivision to Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ARCCH), Ministry of Culture, Addis Ababa, the national institution with the over all responsibility of the National Cultural Heritage of Ethiopia. Ato Mulu was the one who together with other colleagues from ACT by several meetings with the Woreda Church Office in Atsbi, the regional eccesiastical board (responsibility for the churches in the area, inclusive Debre Selam Mikael) as well as wih the church board of the church of Debre Selam Mikael (DSM) and the priests at DSM pave the way for our preliminary examination on account planned conservation of this church. He was aour contact person and interpreter during this examination and assisted us in various practicle issues in connection with this. He has, since several years, developed good relations with responsible priests at a number of the churches in Tigrai that stands under the responsiblity of the cultural authorities. He is also the contact person between the Project Manager, Lars Gerdmar, and ACT in Mekele when the team is in Sweden, and assist this one on location with practicle issues as well as in current contacts with mentioned priests and boards and other involved. Learn more: ACT and its General Manager, Ato Kebede Amare



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